Fortune favours the Brave - Reisverslag uit Amsterdam, Nederland van Michael Gemen - Fortune favours the Brave - Reisverslag uit Amsterdam, Nederland van Michael Gemen -

Fortune favours the Brave

Door: DM

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Michael

23 November 2012 | Nederland, Amsterdam

Descending the stairs into the foundation of this former Tower of Moil, the heroes prepared to encounter the Lich Acererak.
This would be their final fight in the forsaken emptiness that is the Negative Energy Plane.

Although having already gone through most of their resources as well as spells, they did not want to give the Undead Wizard more time to attune with the Tooth or strengthen the Tower's defences.
They could not, however, sneak up on the fell creature.

Acererak the Devourer has monitored their intrusion and progress, and so he had Called for a Planar Ally; a Marilith.

The gnome was the first to dogde the initial Blade Barrier, thrown up by the Hellspawn on the lower part of the staircase.
Diving under the effect and into the room, he rolled to the side gaining some cover by one of the alchemical vats.
He quickly cast off one of his enchantments, but was ineffective to Hold the Lich.
In retaliation, Acererak glared at the offense and cast an incantation of Disintegrate, dropping Shadow and nearly instant-killing him.

Then the others followed into the large laboratory, noting the many vats lining the walls, from which electrified cables ran through the room, attached to the throne in the center.
A large iron throne where the Lich now stood straight, towering over an unmoving human, and ordering his Ally the Marilith to defend him against these intruders.
Held tight in his left claw was the legendary Tooth of Acerak, the focus point of the companion's quest.

Coop Nevarre came to the Wizard's aid by blocking the line of effect with a Wall of Force. The Paladin moved to intercept the many sword attacks of the Marilith, and Xander Kagan kneeled by the Gnome to Heal him.

The next few rounds were frantic, in which the Lich unleashed his full barrage of magical might, the Marlith whirlwinded through the room with all six swords slashing about, and the four heroes started to pick off their opponents one sword dash and spell at a time.

The fight ended, when the Hellmaiden was banished back to her realm, and Acererak used Dimension Door to escape from the room's confine space.
The heroes, however, were not unscathed.
Shadow Wanneskor and Cleric Kagan were both Paralyzed to the extreme, having their bodily functions ceased almost completely.
Trying to find something to help them, as well as uncovering some method of tracking the Lich, the Sourcerer Coop hurriedly openend the Trapped throne, becoming encased in an amber field of force.

Viewing the Paladin's predicament through his Crystal Ball, the Lich sent an Image; proposing an offer to Nihlus Warren.
An offer he can refuse..

Not wanting to be in debt or in any way consort with such a foul creature, Nihlus refused any offer thrown his way.
Determined to help his friends and escape with the Tooth, he ran up the tower and without concern for his own wellbeing smashed the vial holding the tiny Angel against a Voidstone..

  • 23 November 2012 - 14:45

    Shadow Wanneskor Lunneneb:

    The tooth is mine and stays mine.

  • 26 November 2012 - 11:04

    Lord Orcus, Ruler Of Thanatos:

    The Tooth has arrived on the Prime, Hmm
    Only a matter of time, before its powers grow.

    Can you handle the Tooth, Mr Lunneneb ?

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