Kurgoth Hellspawn - Reisverslag uit Higashiokamisawa, Japan van Michael Gemen - WaarBenJij.nu Kurgoth Hellspawn - Reisverslag uit Higashiokamisawa, Japan van Michael Gemen - WaarBenJij.nu

Kurgoth Hellspawn

Door: DM

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Michael

28 November 2013 | Japan, Higashiokamisawa

Having traveled the Realms far and wide, the Fire Giant had seen many sights. He had grown a tolerance for the lesser races; their small-mindedness, short lives and mistrust of others.
Still, he found himself struggling to remain calm against the wizards unwillingness to let let him pass with a mount.

Kurgoth was on a mission, and the sooner he reached his destination the quicker he could return back home.
And now these human's impertinence ticked him off.
Not wanting to display his royal heritage the Giant King again reiterated his willingness to pay for any and all expenses, damages and materials.

Just as he was to reach for his greatsword, the portal flared to life.
It spewed out four travelers on horseback, which infuriated the Giant some more.
"See ! Mounts are able to traverse the portals, now let us pass."

The barbarian, rogue, ninja and fighter passed the portal-wizards and stopped to watch this scene unfold.
"I have money, gold and mithral. I will be careful to not to damage this puny portal, and if I do. God-forbid I'll help rebuild it myself."

Not waitning for an answer Kurgoth turned around and called for his mount.
An massive beast, born out of nightmnares, tramples around the wizards housing. Enormous tusks flank its large trunk, and its body is covered with patches of course brown hair. Its bloated, gray bulk is supported by four giant pillared legs with elongated nails.
It almost seems happy when called, easily traversing the 200 foot distance in a shuffle. From its hoowdah two drow hang by their feet.
Even though their skin is still black as night, they are quite dead.
Their mithral armor and weaponry slowly deteriorate in the sunlight.

Rekk the half-orc, intrigued, steps forward and adresses (the elephant in the room) the mounts size to the Fire Giant.
"Damn, that's one large mount! No way that'd fit through the gateway."

Affected by the barbarian's honesty and awe-inspired tone, Kurgoth stops his advance and regards the group.
" 'S been along time since I's been spoken to 's directly young man.
'S what you say dere, 's we's cannot fit through dere?"

"No way, that beast is massive. Sure us and horses fit through, but not that creature," Rekk answered.

"You's amuse me small man. So dis time we'll walk."
Glaring at the wizards the Giant is lifted unto Tusk's back.
"Farewell travelers. R'member Kurgoth Hellspawn 's a friend," as he straddles one of the wizards, toppling him over.

The adventurers watch him depart, the beast's behind rocking back and forth as it slowly picks up speed.

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