Report #4 Tereus the Ninja - Reisverslag uit Higashiokamisawa, Japan van Michael Gemen - Report #4 Tereus the Ninja - Reisverslag uit Higashiokamisawa, Japan van Michael Gemen -

Report #4 Tereus the Ninja

Door: DM

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Michael

14 Oktober 2013 | Japan, Higashiokamisawa

"Of course," Tereus said confidently," hidden, trailing or leading the party I always get a good view of my surroundings.

Beyond the outer courtyard, through double doors is the so-called middle temple.
There petitioners were installed who undertook the Ritual.
You'll find quarters, a guardroom, storage rooms and a vestry with sacristy there.
Through another double door, you'll enter the inner temple, which leads to the chambers below.
Beyond the stairs a hallway extends leading to Fembrys' quarters south, where she has stored human heads, and to a torture chamber and Lady Arthas' quarters west.
There is where you'll encounter the black disc.
It is safe to pass through and behind it lies a chamber in which an altar buried beneath whole skeletons stands.
That last chamber has a pathway reaching the river acces, where we found the catamaran and the cells.

Be sure to question Shan Thar and the guards. I'm positive they know more than they let on," Tereus explained.

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