Origins: Xander Keegan - Reisverslag uit Amsterdam, Nederland van Michael Gemen - Origins: Xander Keegan - Reisverslag uit Amsterdam, Nederland van Michael Gemen -

Origins: Xander Keegan

Door: DM

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Michael

27 Juni 2011 | Nederland, Amsterdam

As a young boy growing up in a small settlement on a caravan-route (Archtassel), not only did he become a fanatic follower of Pelor, like his parents, he also saw the adventuring life passing by.

And so when he became of age, he was indoctrinated in the grand church of Pelor to become a true believer and a Cleric in His name.
Chores became duty as he helped during divine service. Healed the odd bloody nose or scratch, and studied the books of Pelor and other deities.

Service became dull, divine texts were read and then he advanced through his father’s bookstore. Learning about the world through glass.

Already inspired by the Good of Pelor and its apparant Miracles. He started to believe that the world was waiting for him to step up.
He would receive a sign which he could not miss.
A Divine Intervention.

And then, he saved a life..

It did weaken his burdened memories of his dead sister. And at the same time strengthen his believe in a greater Good.

With a new purpose; to heal and help, he ran home triomfant.

And then it happened..
Running through the main road, his necklace started to shine brightly.
The world around cooled, and snowflakes appeared.

A caravan entered town, and in a flash a man appeared in front of him.
Next to the town’s well Nihlus called out for help, as dragon-like beings crawled out of it.

This will be my day, Xander thought.
“For my sister”, he yelled, and ran to his friends aid.

That day, it was all set in motion. He, his friend Nihlus Warren, the amnesiac stranger; Coop and the traveling gnome Wanneskor were hired to escort the Dales ambassador to Essembra.

He learned of the enclaves from Thay, he met Stars fallen from the sky.
He deafeated numerous malversaties, human and non-human.
And all through his advancement he was both the shoulder and the back his party of four relied upon.

Each morning he prayed to his God, Pelor. Each day he strode towards the first rays of that magnificent Sun which warmed the lands.

As he was growing stronger he focused more and more upon that energy.
Becoming a Radiant Servant of Pelor and able to channel the power into his Spells, Convictions and turning ability.

Now, the world has cooled, the Sun is weakening and ice covers large portions of the Dalelands.
Xander Keegan still stands strong, learning not only to channel the sun’s rays, but to harness its all-destructive heat.
And soon he will not only be able to obliterate the Evil Undead, but burn any Evil presence from his homeland.

Xander Keegan; Cleric and Radiant Servant, soon to be one of Pelor’s Anointed..

  • 27 Juni 2011 - 11:56


    Most valuable possession;
    Shard, sister's necklace
    Killed in a thunderstorm, her memory is the force that drives Xander.

    Iconic Weapon;
    Godflesh forged Heavy Mace with the seal of Pelor.

    Iconic contacts;
    Gurin Mirth, Head Priest of Pelor in the Dalelands.
    Eludecia, Redeemed Succubus, Paladin.

    Part Divine Oracle, Xander Keegan experiences flashes of the future..

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